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Legal Disclaimer for Use of Client-Provided or Independent Contractor-Provided Hardware and Services

Disclaimer: Use of Client-Provided or Independent Contractor-Provided Hardware and Services

By agreeing to use client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services in conjunction with Loomx LLC. lighting systems, the client acknowledges and accepts the following terms and conditions:


  1. Assumption of Risk: The client assumes all risks associated with the use of client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services. Loomx shall not be held liable for any hardware or service failures, malfunctions, or incompatibilities that may arise.

  2. No Warranty: Loomx provides no warranty or guarantee regarding the performance, compatibility, or reliability of client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services when used with Loomx lighting systems, controllers, software, or any other equipment.

  3. Limitation of Liability: In no event shall Loomx be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to the use of client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, business, or any other losses.

  4. Technical Support: Loomx is under no obligation to provide technical support, troubleshooting, or maintenance for client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services. Any assistance provided by Loomx in this regard is at its sole discretion and does not imply any responsibility or liability.

  5. Indemnification: The client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Loomx harmless from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of or related to the use of client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services.

  6. Installation and Integration: Loomx will use reasonable efforts to install and integrate client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services into the lighting system as requested. However, Loomx does not guarantee successful installation or integration, nor does it assume any responsibility for any issues that may arise.

  7. Compliance with Standards: The client is responsible for ensuring that their hardware and services meet all necessary standards and regulations. Loomx shall not be liable for any non-compliance issues related to client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services.

  8. Replacement Option: In the event that client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware is deemed incompatible, unsafe, or unsuitable for integration with Loomx lighting systems, Loomx reserves the right to replace the hardware with Loomx hardware. The client agrees to bear the cost of materials and installation time for such replacements. Loomx will provide a cost estimate for the replacement hardware and installation time, which the client must approve prior to the commencement of any replacement work.

  9. Third-Party Installation: If the client arranges for the installation of Loomx-provided materials by a third party, Loomx shall not be responsible for any installation errors or problems that may arise from such installations. Any issues, malfunctions, or damages resulting from third-party installations are the sole responsibility of the client and/or the third-party installer.

  10. Enclosures and Structures: Loomx shall not be liable for any enclosures or structures built around the hardware that may pose a threat to the hardware and cause overheating or other issues. Loomx systems require cool and dry environments with proper ventilation. If proper ventilation is obstructed by the client or an independent contractor, Loomx shall not be liable for any resulting problems.

  11. Electrical Issues: Loomx is not responsible for any electrical issues. Loomx provides the necessary ratings and plugs into standard outlets. If these guidelines are ignored or not properly followed, Loomx shall not be liable for any resulting electrical problems.

  12. Cable Management: Loomx shall not be liable for any cable management performed by independent contractors or the client. This includes rewiring, bundling wires, running new wires, changing wires, or combining wires in a manner that may interfere with heat dissipation, signal integrity, or impose magnetic disturbances.

  13. Termination of Services: Loomx reserves the right to refuse or terminate services if the client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware is deemed incompatible, unsafe, or unsuitable for integration with Loomx lighting systems, and the client does not agree to the replacement option outlined above.


By proceeding with the use of client-provided or independent contractor-provided hardware and services, third-party installation of Loomx-provided materials, or any modifications to the environment or electrical systems, the client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.

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